Equated Monthly Installment or commonly known as Emi is the amount you pay back in installments to the financial institutes towards the repayment of loan. Your Loan EMI consist principal and interest component. In the beginning the interest component is higher than the principal component and over a period of time the interest component decreases vis-à-vis the principal.
Equated Monthly Installment or commonly known as Emi is the amount you pay back in installments to the financial institutes towards the repayment of loan. Your Loan EMI consist principal and interest component. In the beginning the interest component is higher than the principal component and over a period of time the interest component decreases vis-à-vis the principal.
Our easy to use Loan EMI Calculator will help you to quickly determine the monthly installments you are likely to pay on repayment of your loan. You just have to enter some basic information like:-
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